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Primary Syllabus

The Islamiyah Series Primary Syllabus is intended to run from ages 5-11, years 1-6. This is a spiral syllabus as each topic is revisited every year and previous knowledge is built on.

The syllabus is split into four parts Aqaa’id, Akhlaaq, Fiqh and History.

There is an introductory book called My First Book Alif to Yaa. This book encompasses three topics fiqh, akhlaaq and aqaa’id. This book has been designed to help students get familiar with Arabic transliteration and help bridge the transition.

The fiqh syllabus is run from years 2 – 6. It is composed of seven different sections:

  1. Terms and definitions
  2. Tahaarah
  3. Wudhu
  4. Ghusl
  5. Salaah
  6. Sawm, Zakah and Haj
  7. Miscellaneous

The Aqaa’id syllabus is run from years 2-6. It is composed of four different sections:

  1. Tawheed
  2. Risaalah
  3. Aakhirah
  4. Miscellaneous (Challenges of today)

The Akhlaaq syllabus is run from years 2 – 6. It is composed of four different sections:

  1. Etiquettes
  2. Good Akhlaaq
  3. Rights of people / creation
  4. Bad Akhlaaq

The History syllabus is run from years 2-6 it is ran in a chronological order.

Year 2 will learn the history from Sayyidina Adam AS to Sayyidina Ibrahim AS.

Year 3 will learn the history from Sayyidina Yusuf AS to Sayyidina Isa AS.

Year 4 will learn the seerah from birth to Hijrah.

Year 5 will learn the seerah from after Hijrah to Death.

Year 6 will learn about the different roles of our Prophet Muhammad SAW

AKHLAAQ (Year 3)


AKHLAAQ (Year 3)

AKHLAAQ (Year 4)


AKHLAAQ (Year 4)

AQAAID (Year 2)


AQAAID (Year 2)

AQAAID (Year 3)


AQAAID (Year 3)

AQAAID (Year 4)


AQAAID (Year 4)

FIQH (Year 2)


FIQH (Year 2)